FAQs > In-house workshops

What experience does CBT Canada faculty have with in-house training?  CBT Canada faculty have collaborated with a variety of universities (e.g., Dalhousie, McGill, McMaster, Memorial, Queen’s, University of Alberta, UBC, University of Calgary, UdeM, USask, University of Toronto, Western), CFPC chapters (e.g., Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec), and other organizations (e.g., ADAC, CSC, DIA, FHTs, NPAO, PCNs) to provide training to their constituents.


What in-house training packages are available?  Medical CBT training packages range in length from three hours to five days. Popular in-house workshops include Happiness Science, SuperDoc, and  Ten-Minute CBT. All modules can be conducted c/o Zoom. Email registrar@cbt.ca to explore options.